Privacy Policy

Last update: 30/9/22

We ("We", "Us", and "Our") are committed in protecting your Personal Data.

This Privacy Policy explains how We use, manage, store and use your information in relation to the website GainTracer (the "Website" ).

We will adhere to the following principles:

  • Transparency in the collection and use of Personal Data concerning you:

It is vital that You have all information necessary to make informed decisions regarding the processing of Personal Data. We will use various methods and measures to inform you about the processing and timing of your Personal Data.

Additionally, if we find that you require specific information, then We will provide it to the correct time and location.

We will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with any clarification that you require. However, this is subject to the law.

  • Personal Data may only be used for the purposes stated in the Policy.

Personal Data can be used by us to, among other things, make the website available to you, provide you with a link to a third-party trading platform (the "Services" ), improve the services (including the website), protect Our rights and interests and perform administrative and business activities that support the provision of the Services to users of the website.

Personal Data may also be used by us to help us understand your needs and preferences.

  • To protect your rights with regard to Personal Data concerning you,

We have the resources and expertise to help you exercise your rights as a data subject. If you have any questions about your Personal Data, You may contact Us to ask us to correct it, erase it or cease using it in general. We will honor your requests in compliance with the law.

  • To protect your Personal Data,

Although we can't guarantee 100% protection of your Personal Data regarding you, we can promise that we use and will continue using a variety of methods and measures to protect it.

Our Complete Privacy Policy

1. The Scope?

This policy describes the types of Personal Data that Company collects from natural persons. It also explains how it uses them, shares it with others, secures it and processes it.

"Personal Data" is any information that can be used to identify or locate a natural person. A natural person who is identifiable can be identified directly or with additional information we have or that we have access.

The "processing of Personal Data" in this Policy refers to any operation on Personal Data. This includes collection, recording, organization and structuring, storage, adaptation, alteration, retrieval or consultation, disclosure by transmission, dissemination, or other making available, alignment, combination, restriction or erasure of Personal Data.

Our Services are designed for general audience. They are not targeted at children younger than 18. We never knowingly ask for or collect personal information from children under 18 years old, nor do our Services allow them to access it. If we discover that any information concerning a child has been collected, we will immediately delete the information.

2. How do we collect personal data about you?

Personal Data is collected whenever you use our Services, use our service channels or use this website. Some instances you will provide the Personal Data to Us actively. In other instances, we may collect Personal Data from you through analyzing and reviewing your use of Our services and/or Our channel partners or by receiving it from them.

3. No Obligation to Provide Personal Data to The Company and Its Implications

It is not mandatory that you provide us with any personal data about yourself. You may be asked to not provide certain Personal Data, but this will prevent Us providing you the Services, prevent you from using the Website, or cause the website and services to malfunction.

4. What kinds of Personal Data do we collect? Each time you browse the Website, we collect your personal data.

This includes information such as online activity log, traffic log (including, but not limited to, IP address and time of access, date and access), language used, software crashes reports and type browser used, and information regarding your device. This information does not necessarily identify you and is not Personal Data.

Personal Data that we receive from You: any Personal Data that you provide to Us by your free will, when you contact with a third party trading platform through Us.

Personal Data This information is provided for submission to third-party platforms to trade : it includes your full name and telephone number.

5. The Legal Basis for the Processing of Personal Data

The Company may use your Personal Data to fulfill one or more purposes as outlined in this section. This is also according to the applicable legal bases.

If there is no legal basis to process your Personal Data, the Company will not collect it. Here are the legal grounds on which the Company may use Personal Data concerning you:

  • You have given your consent to the processing personal data for one or more purposes. This is applicable to those cases in which you have provided your personal details via the Website for us to submit them to a third party trading platform.
  • For the Company's legitimate interests or those of a third-party, processing is required. This could be, for example, the improvement of Our Services or the defense or exercise of legal claims.
  • Processing must be done in order to fulfill a legal obligation.

To obtain additional information regarding processing, please contact Us by emailing the address.

Here's a list that outlines the purposes we may process your Personal Data and the legal basis.

Purpose Legal Basis

You can submit your information to third parties at request , in order to get into digital trading

We may use your Personal Data to contact third parties if you ask.

You have given your consent for the processing of Personal Data to be done for one or more purposes.


We will respond to all your questions, complaints, and requests

Personal Data may be required to respond to any queries regarding your use of the Services.

For the purposes of legitimate interests pursued either by the Company or a third-party, processing is required.


To comply to any legal obligations or judicial orders

Personal Data we process about you is necessary to meet our various legal obligations.

The Company must process the information in order to comply with any legal obligation.


We are constantly improving our services

Personal Data may be used to improve Our Services. These data may include, among others, crash logs and other malfunction reports that we obtain in relation to the Services.

For the purposes of legitimate interests pursued either by the Company or a third-party, processing is required.


We prohibit the abuse of Our Services to stop fraud

For the purposes of legitimate interests pursued either by the Company or a third-party, processing is required.


To perform or maintain various activities in support of the provisions within Our Services

Such activities include back-office functions, business development activities, strategic decision-making, oversight mechanisms, etc.

For the purposes of legitimate interests pursued either by the Company or a third-party, processing is required.


For analysis and statistical analysis

For various issues we use different analytical measures, including statistical ones.

For the purposes of legitimate interests pursued either by the Company or a third-party, processing is required.


To safeguard Our rights, assets, and interests of third parties, including the initiation, exercise, defense, or defending of legal claims

Personal Data that you provide may be used to protect Our rights, assets, and interests or those of third parties according to any law or regulation.

For the purposes of legitimate interests pursued either by the Company or a third-party, processing is required.

6. Transfer of personal data to third parties

The Company may also share Personal Data you provide with third parties to provide us services such as storage, hosting providers, IP addresses, analysis of user experiences and research, technical, and diagnostic services.

Additionally, you can request that certain Personal Data be shared with third-party trading platforms. In these cases, we may share your Personal Data to them for this purpose. They will have to follow their privacy policies. Multiple third party trading platforms may have your Personal Data.

The Company may also share Personal Data concerning you with its business partners and related entities. These resources provide the Company with the tools it needs to enhance and improve its services and products.

Personal Data may be shared by the Company with government, local, official and regulatory authorities. This is also if it is necessary to protect Our interests, rights and assets.

Furthermore, we may also disclose Personal Data to potential purchasers, investors or lenders of the Company and/or any companies within the Group of Companies of which it is a member, as well as in connection with any merger/reorganization/consolidation or bankruptcy of either the Company or any companies within the Group of Companies of which it is a member.

7. Cookies and Third Party Services

Certain third-party services may be used by us, such as analytics companies and companies delivering ads on our website. Cookies and other technologies may also be used by these companies.

A cookie is a small text file that is placed on the device through which you access the Website. Cookies are used to gather information about you and your behaviour, to personalize and offer products and services that might interest you, as well as to customize your experience. Cookies may also collect statistics and perform analysis.

Some cookies that we use may be session cookies. These are temporary cookies that are stored on your computer and last until your web browser closes. Other persistent cookies are saved on your computer and are used to aid the Website in remembering you as a returning user when you visit the website again.

Cookies Types:

The following are the cookies that we may use:

Types of Cookies Purpose Additional Information
Cookies strictly required

These cookies are necessary for you to use certain features on the Website. These cookies allow us to provide the services, content, and products you requested.

These cookies are vital to enable your device to stream or download information. You can then navigate around the Website and use its features. You can also return to pages you've previously visited.

These cookies collect Personal Data such as your user name and last log-in date and allow you to be identified as logged into the Website.

These cookies are deleted by closing your web browser (session cookies).

Functionality Cookies

These cookies are used to identify you when your return to the website. They also allow us to remember your preferences and choices.

These cookies are saved to your browser and remain there until they expire.

Performance Cookies

These cookies allow us to compile aggregate statistics regarding the website's performance. We also use them to test and improve the performance to offer a better user experience. These cookies also enable Us to carry out analytic functions on the Website.

These cookies collect anonymous data that isn't associated with an identifiable or identified natural person.

These cookies have varying validity periods. Some are erased when you close your browser while others have an indefinite validity.

Cookies blocking and removal

You can alter your browser settings to delete or block cookies. For some of the most used web browsers, please see the links below for instructions.

  • Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome
  • Safari

You should note that certain features and functions of the Website may not function as intended if you do this.



8. Retention of Personal Information About You

The Company may retain Personal Data concerning you for as long or longer as it is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the Personal Data were processed as set out in this Policy.

We will share your information for 12 months with third-party platforms trading platforms. Subject to our consent, will do so for another 12 months.

To ensure that Personal Data is not kept longer than necessary, we regularly review Personal Data held by Us in order to determine if any Personal Data could be deleted.

9. Transfer of personal data to an international or third country

Personal data about you could be transferred to a third nation (i.e. You may have your personal data transferred to other countries (other than the one in which you are located) or to international organisations. The Company shall ensure that Personal Data is protected and provide effective legal remedies and rights for data subjects.

If you're a resident of the EEA, these protections will be available if any one of the following is met.

  • Transfers to third countries or international organizations that the EU Commission has determined provide adequate protection of Personal Data. This is in accordance with Article 45(3) of Regulation EU 2016/679 of Council of 27/04/2016 (the "GDPR")
  • The transfer occurs according to a legally binding instrument that is enforceable between public authorities and bodies, in accordance with Article 46(2)(a).
  • The EU Commission adopted standard data protection clauses in accordance with Article 46(2)(c), of the GDPR. The clauses adopted by the EU Commission can be viewed at

10. Personal Data Protection

We use appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure that Personal Data are protected.

We cannot guarantee and do not represent that your privacy will be protected. We are not responsible for any indirect, incidental consequential or punitive damages that may result from the use or disclosure of Personal Data about you, including but not limited, transmission errors, unauthorized third-party access, or any other cause beyond our control.

Because of legal or other obligations, We may be required to transfer Personal Data about You to third parties like public authorities. In these cases, we have limited control over how the Personal Data you provide to third parties.

Personal Data sent via the internet can't be completely secured. Personal Data that you send to us via the internet cannot be fully protected by the Company.

11. Links to Websites Third Parties

The Website may contain links to websites or applications from third parties. The Company has no control over these websites or applications. These websites and apps may also collect and/or process Personal Data. We are not responsible either for the privacy and data protection policies or activities of such websites. This Policy does not cover any actions that are taken through such websites and/or apps.

When you visit these third party websites and/or application, we recommend you carefully read their privacy policies before using them and before disclosing any Personal Data.

13. Your Rights Regarding Personal Data

In general, you can request that We confirm whether Personal Data concerning you are being collected, to review such data, and to correct any errors if they are. You also have the right ask us to delete Personal Data not required by Us. You can also refuse to consent to certain processing.

If you are an EEA resident, please read the following:

These rights apply to Personal Data concerning you. To exercise these rights, send an email request to the following email address.


You have the right, if requested by the Company, to be informed whether Personal Data concerning you are being processed.

The Company will supply a copy of your Personal Data under processing. You may also request additional copies at a reasonable cost. You may request the information electronically, but you will not be able to access it in the same electronic format.

The right to request a copy or a copy of Personal Data does not affect the rights or freedoms of others. The Company will not comply with your request if it is incompatible with the rights and freedoms or other individuals.

Right for rectification

You have the right of requesting from the Company that inaccurate Personal Data be corrected. You can request incomplete Personal Data to be updated, taking into account the purposes of processing.

Right of Erasure

These grounds are: (a.) Personal Data no longer applies to the purpose it was collected or used; (b.) You withdraw your consent to processing and there are no other legal grounds; (c.) You can object at any moment to processing Personal Data concerning you that is based upon legitimate interests pursued either by Us or third parties and which is not overridingly legitimate; (d.) Personal Data regarding you is being processed for direct marketing purposes; and (e.) Personal Data has been illegally processed. Or (f). Personal Data needs to comply with an obligation of the Company's to which is required to comply with the Company is responsible

This right is not applicable if the processing is necessary to: (a) comply with a legal requirement that requires processing under European Union law or Member State laws to which the company is subject; or (b), for the establishment, defense, or exercise of legal claims.

The right to restrict processing

The Company has the right to restrict the processing of Personal Data concerning you if you contest its accuracy for a specified period.

If Personal Data concerning you is restricted by your request, Personal Data will, with the exception that it may be stored, only with your consent.

Right to data portability

The Company has the right to obtain your Personal Data in a structured, common-used, and machine-readable format. This is only if the processing is based upon your consent or on a contract that you are a party to, and (b). if the processing involves automated means.

When technically feasible, the Company has the right to transmit Personal Data directly to you. You and the Company are still entitled to exercise your right of data portability. Additionally, data portability does not impact on the rights and freedoms or others.

Right for object

The right to object is available at any moment, based on your particular circumstances, to processing of Personal Data about yourself that is based either on legitimate interests pursued or by a third-party, including profiling. If We have compelling legitimate grounds, we will stop processing Personal Data about us unless they are overriding your interests, rights and freedoms, or for the establishment exercise or defense legal claims.

You can object at any moment to the processing your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes. This includes profiling.

Right of withdrawal

You have the right to withdraw your consent for us to process Personal Data about you at anytime. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing based upon your consent before it was withheld.

The right to lodge a complaint at a supervisory authority

You have the right of lodging a complaint at a supervisory authority created by a Member state to protect fundamental rights and freedoms for natural persons in relation the the processing of Personal Data within EU.

This section 13 could limit your rights to Personal Data regarding you.

We will provide the requested information according to your rights set out in section 13 immediately and in any case within one month from receipt of your request. If necessary, the period may be extended for up to two additional months depending on how complex and numerous the requests are. Any extension will be notified to you within one month after receipt of your request. We will also inform you why.

Unless otherwise stated, the information requested in accordance to this section 13 shall not be charged. If the requests are clearly unfounded, excessive, or repetitive, We may (a) charge a reasonable amount, taking into consideration the administrative costs of providing the information, communication, or taking the action requested; (b) refuse the request.

The Company might ask you to provide additional information to verify your identity to fulfill your request.

12. These Policy Changes

This Policy can be modified from time-to-time. The Website will publish any changes to the Policy. If We make major changes to this Policy, we will inform you by any means We feel are appropriate. We will also publish a notice on our Website. Unless otherwise stated, all amendments will become effective when the updated Policy is published on our Website.